Thursday, September 10, 2009


This is the cake I did for a retirement party! I was really excited about how it turned out! Thanks to my friend Beth for making the awesome truck on top and decorating the top tier!


  1. very cute! maybe when i retire some day you can make my cake! lol. i agree that we need to get together sometime soon. unfortunatly chris and i have 0 vacation, and your house would be kind of a long weekend trip. maybe we can meet in the middle sometime or something.

  2. For some reason my gmail isn't I will send you an "email" this way. lol.

    Chris and I were thinking that maybe the weekend of the 14th would work? Then you would have a break between us and Thanksgiving and hopefully wouldn't have to be in the car too much! Just let us know. (if I can ever get it to
